Privacy Policy

(Art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679)

Mondo a Colori Media Network S.r.l. (hereafter Mondo a Colori), in its capacity as Data Controller, describes to the user the processing carried out as part of the navigation of the website in accordance with the provisions of Art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (so-called “GDPR”).

Type of data collected and processed by the Owner

Mondo a Colori, as the Data Controller, collects: (a) user-identifying data, such as IP address and computer domain names; (b) information related to the actions taken by the user when browsing the website; (c) data inherent in the preferences expressed by the user in the browsing experience. Users may provide their personal data for the use of other services of the Owner: in this case, explicit reference is made to the disclosures in the respective information collection forms.

The website uses different types of cookies – which are text files that are automatically generated on the user’s computer as a result of browsing – among which you can identify:

  1. session cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed, or which are recorded and stored on the user’s computer, in case, for example, it is necessary to make access to a restricted area automatic (in such a case the user can therefore choose whether to store his credentials in one of these text files);
  2. Analytical and profiling cookies, with the function of sending commercial messages based on the preferences expressed by the user when browsing the site and its sections.

Below are the cookies used by the Owner and links to the third parties’ privacy policies:

CookiesPrivacy Policy

The user can prevent the installation of cookies by configuring the browser according to the following instructions:

  • On Internet Explorer, click on the “Tools” item on the Menu Bar and then on the “Internet Options” subheading. Finally, access the settings on the “Privacy” tab to change your cookie preferences.
  • On Firefox, click on the “Tools” item on the Menu Bar and then on the “Options” subheading. Finally, access the “Privacy” item settings to change your cookie preferences.
  • On Chrome, type “chrome://settings/content” in the address bar (without quotes) and change the cookie settings as desired.
  • On Safari, select the “Preferences” item and then choose “Privacy.” In the Block Cookies section, specify how Safari should accept cookies from Internet sites.
  • If you use Safari on handheld devices, such as iPhones and iPads, you must instead do the following: go to the “settings” item on your device and then find “Safari” on the left-hand menu. From here, under “Privacy and Security,” you will be able to manage your Cookie options.

The purposes pursued in the processing and the legal bases

Mondo a Colori processes personal data for the purpose of: (a) to manage the website/application and its navigation by the user; (b) evaluate its use by the user; (c) assess user preferences in web browsing of the site/application and its sections; d) send commercial information – including through banners – about the services offered; (e) properly maintain the website while complying with applicable legal requirements; (f) ascertain and prosecute any wrongdoing committed against the Owner or users.

The processing of personal data referred to in par. (a) is based on the performance of contractual obligations between the Owner and the data subject; referred to in paras. b), (c) and (d) on the free and explicit consent of the person concerned; referred to in paras. (e) and (f) On the fulfillment of legal obligations.

Methods of data processing and storage

The user’s personal data – related to web browsing – are processed electronically and are kept for a period of six months after collection, then being deleted.

Disclosure of personal data

The user’s data are known to the employees of the Owner, belonging to the administrative and IT departments, designated as authorized to process and trained for this purpose. The information may be disclosed to external parties who cooperate with the Owner in the management of the website/application: in this case they are appointed as external data controllers and given appropriate instructions.

Data are not disseminated or disclosed to third parties unless required by an Authority or by law.

Data Transfer

User data are not transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

The rights of the data subject and the exercise vis-à-vis the Controller

The European Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) guarantees the rights provided in Articles 15-22. Specifically, the right to access information, to obtain a copy of the data held by the Data Controller; the right to rectification, if the data are incorrect/updated; the right to object to processing for commercial purposes; the right to object to exclusively automated processing; the right to withdraw consent; and the right to appeal to the Data Protection Authority. It can also exercise, but under the circumstances established by law, the right to erasure, opposition, limitation and portability of data.

The interested party may – without any particular formality – contact Mondo a Colori Media Network S.r.l., Via Paleario Aonio, 10 – 00195 – Rome (RM) – e-mail:

The Owner has designated a Data Protection Officer (DPO), who can be contacted for further clarification regarding processing by writing to the e-mail addresses or PEC